Package pilot :: Package api :: Package data :: Module api

Source Code for Module

  1  """  
  2  This file contains the API for the PilotData Framework. 
  3  """ 
5 -class PilotDataDescription(dict):
6 """ B{PilotDataDescription (PDD).} 7 8 Dictionary based description containing reference to resource for Pilot Data. 9 10 Example:: 11 12 { 13 'service_url': "ssh://localhost/tmp/pilotstore/", 14 'size':100, 15 16 # Affinity 17 'affinity_datacenter_label', # pilot stores sharing the same label are located in the same data center 18 'affinity_machine_label', # pilot stores sharing the same label are located on the same machine 19 } 20 21 Alternatively, a regular Python dictionary can be used. 22 """ 23
24 - def __init__(self):
25 pass
26 27
28 - def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
29 self[attr]=value
30 31
32 - def __getattr__(self, attr):
33 return self[attr]
34 35 36
37 -class PilotData(object):
38 """ B{PilotData (PD)}. """ 39 40 # Class members 41 __slots__ = ( 42 'id', # Reference to this PJ 43 'description', # Description of PilotData 44 'context', # SAGA context 45 'resource_url', # Resource URL 46 'state', # State of the PilotData 47 'state_detail', # Adaptor specific state of the PilotData 48 ) 49
50 - def __init__(self):
51 raise NotImplementedError("Abstract super class, please use PilotData implementation class in pilot namespace")
52 53
54 - def cancel(self):
55 """ Cancel PilotData 56 57 Keyword arguments: 58 None 59 """ 60 pass
61 62
63 - def get_state(self):
64 pass
65 66 67 68
69 -class PilotDataService(object):
70 """ B{PilotDataService (PDS).} """ 71 72 # Class members 73 __slots__ = ( 74 'id', # Reference to this PJS 75 'state', # Status of the PJS 76 'pilot_data' # List of PJs under this PJS 77 ) 78
79 - def __init__(self, pss_id=None):
80 """ Create a PilotDataService 81 82 Keyword arguments: 83 pss_id -- restore from pss_id 84 """ 85 raise NotImplementedError("Abstract super class, please use PilotDataService implementation class in pilot namespace")
86 87
88 - def create_pilot(self, pilot_data_description):
89 """ Create a PilotData 90 91 Keyword arguments: 92 pilot_data_description -- PilotData Description 93 94 Return value: 95 A PilotData handle 96 """ 97 pass
99 - def list_pilots(self):
100 """ List all PDs of PDS """ 101 pass
103 - def cancel(self):
104 """ Cancel the PilotDataService. 105 106 Keyword arguments: 107 None 108 109 Return value: 110 Result of operation 111 """ 112 pass
113 114 115 # 116 # PilotDataService 117 #
118 -class DataUnitService(object):
119 """ B{DataUnitService (DUS).} 120 121 Please use ComputeDataService 122 """ 123
124 - def __init__(self, pds_id=None):
125 """ Create a DataUnitService. 126 127 Keyword arguments: 128 pds_id -- Reconnect to an existing DataUnitService 129 """ 130 raise NotImplementedError("Abstract super class, please use DataUnitService implementation class in pilot namespace")
131 132
133 - def add_pilot_data_service(self, pss):
134 """ Add a PilotDataService 135 136 Keyword arguments: 137 pss -- The PilotDataService to add. 138 139 Return: 140 Result 141 """ 142 pass
144 - def remove_pilot_data_service(self, pss):
145 """ Remove a PilotDataService 146 147 148 Keyword arguments: 149 pss -- The PilotDataService to remove 150 Return: 151 Result 152 """ 153 pass
154 155
156 - def list_pilot_data(self):
157 """ List all PDs of PDS """ 158 pass
159 160
161 - def submit_pilot_data_set(self, data_unit_description):
162 """ Create Pilot Data object and schedule it to a Pilot Data """ 163 pass
164 165
166 - def cancel(self):
167 """ Cancel the PDS. 168 169 Keyword arguments: 170 None 171 172 Return: 173 Result 174 """ 175 pass
176 177
178 - def get_state(self):
179 pass
180 181
182 - def get_id(self):
183 pass
184 185 # 186 # DataUnitDescription 187 #
188 -class DataUnitDescription(dict):
189 """ B{DataUnitDescription (DUD).} 190 191 Description object for the creation of L{DataUnit}s:: 192 193 { 194 'file_urls': [file1, file2, file3] 195 } 196 197 Currently, no directories supported 198 """ 199
200 - def __init__(self):
201 pass
203 - def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
204 self[attr]=value
206 - def __getattr__(self, attr):
207 return self[attr]
208 209 210 # 211 # DataUnit 212 #
213 -class DataUnit(object):
214 """ B{DataUnit (DU).} 215 216 Holds a set of files (that generally share the same locality and are used together). 217 """ 218 219 # Class members 220 __slots__ = ( 221 'id', # Reference 222 'description', # Description 223 'state', # State 224 'file_list' # files managed by PilotData object 225 ) 226
227 - def cancel(self):
228 """ Cancel the PD. """ 229 raise NotImplementedError("Abstract super class, please use DataUnit implementation class in pilot namespace")
230 231
232 - def get_state(self):
233 """ 234 get current state of Pilot Data: 235 New => Initialized 236 Pending => Files are synchronized with a pilot store 237 Running => PD is in sync with all replicas 238 Done => Terminated 239 """ 240 pass
241 242
243 - def wait(self):
244 """ Wait until in Running state 245 (or Failed state) 246 """ 247 pass
249 - def export(self, target_directory):
250 """ copies content of PD to a directory on the local machine""" 251 pass